Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Data Analysis for Northern Beaches Council

Question: Discuss about the Data Analysis for Northern Beaches Council. Answer: The researcher has acquired data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) which is an Australian Government Research Institute and it is working for the statistical demographics of various areas Australia. Population: The data from the Key figures as per September 2016 shows, Northern Beaches Council has the population of 263413 and it shows a potential population in the local government area Northern Beaches council of New South Wales (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). The data also shows that the total population of Australia is 24220200 (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). The total no of children of the year 7 to year 12 in Northern Beaches Council is 74586 (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). From the above data, it can be concluded that, there is sufficient population growth in Northern Beaches Council to have enough adults who can give birth and provide children for the year-7 to year-12, that is, there is enough no. of adults to make available the target customers for the startup business. Birth rate: The no of births in Northern Beaches Council is high enough compared to the other areas of NSW. The data acquired by Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2015, in Northern Beaches Council the no of single births was 1241, twins birth was 131 and triplet birth was 6 (Births-2015, 2017). However, the 66% of the total birth was to the parents who have done registered marriage (Births-2015, 2017). The data concludes, the birth rate in Northern Beaches Council is enough to get the students of year-7 to year-12 for the startup business in next 10 years. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has added that, in Northern Beaches Council the no of birth was consistent in previous year and expected to be consistent in upcoming years too. Income: The collected data for the purpose of getting information about income statement of the adults who can give birth to the child who can be the student of year 7 to year 12 in next 10 years in Northern Beaches Council states, the average salary of the workers in Northern Beaches Council is $75963 per year (Average Salary Australia, 2017). This data represents, the adults has sufficient buying power to convey the expenses of the fees for the coaching class. References: Average Salary Australia. (2017). Retrieved 8 April 2017, from Births-2015.(2017),from /3301.0Main%20Features32015?opendocumenttabname=Summaryprodno=3301.0issue=2015num=view Statistics-Sep 2016. (2017). Retrieved 8 April 2017, from

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