Thursday, September 3, 2020

Musical Rent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Melodic Rent - Essay Example A large portion of these specialists and performers invested the vast majority of their energy living in Lower East Side of New York City during the time of Bohemian Alphabet City. This things were going on under the approaching shadow of AIDS. This paper gives a survey of melodic rental, including a contention about its pertinence to the contemporary world. The melodic lease portrays the life of youthful grown-ups who decided to live in Bohemian way of life. This engaging tune has been performed under a progression of stage creators, entertainers and chiefs (Larson and Ed 56). Regardless of the various creations under various executives, the play has been engaging the crowd for an exceptionally significant time-frame. This play tends to a few sorts of social issues, for example, sexual issues, liquor and medications among the youthful grown-ups. The subject of the play isn't introduced as a fiction however it is reasonable, and the characters examine the social issues in the play. A large portion of the youthful grown-ups in the play have adjusted the Bohemian way of life, however they despite everything flourish in neediness (Larson and Ed 56). Most audiences’ hearts are moved by the battle and romantic tales of various youthful couples in the play. The School of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, this year played out this play, and it was a striking activity. The executive of the play may have considered a few variables about how the play will be performed.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

ACT Test Results How to Get and Interpret Your Results

ACT Test Results How to Get and Interpret Your Results SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips On the off chance that you took the ACT as of late, you’re most likely anxious to perceive how you did so you can send your scores to universities or plan for the following test date. In any case, how would you get your score report, and what’s the most ideal approach to decipher your scores? In this article, I’ll experience how and when you can get your report, what’s on it, and how to benefit from the data you’re given. How Do I Get My ACT Scores? Your various decision scores will be accessible online in your ACT Web Account around fourteen days after you take the ACT.If you took Writing, those scores are accessible around fourteen days after your different decision scores (so a month, plus or minus, after the test).The ACT says score reports are normally accessible 2 two months after the test, which appears to be a tremendous window. They're simply attempting to represent abnormal conditions that occasionally cause scores to take longer, similar to an inconsistency at your test community or answer reports from your test place showing up later than expected. Excepting anything strange, you ought to hope to see your scores online no later than about a month after the ACT.After this point, you can begin sending them to schools. Sadly, there isno approach to accelerate the real scoring process; you can just utilize surge answering to send scores to universities after your scores are discharged. What Will Be on My ACT Score Report? The principal thing you’ll see on your score report is your composite score. This is the huge number on the upper left in the crate marked â€Å"Your ACT Scores†.You’ll likewise get a lot of rates with your composite score.These rates give you your score percentile when contrasted with understudies in your express (the principal bar) and in the US all in all (the subsequent bar). It's the level of understudies who were at or beneath your score level on the test. Next, you’ll see your scores separated by area. English is part into two classifications of inquiries: Usage/Mechanics and Rhetorical Skills Math is part into three classifications of inquiries: Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra, Algebra/Coordinate Geometry, and Plane Geometry/Trigonometry Perusing is part into two classifications of inquiries: Social Studies/Sciences and Arts/Literature Science doesn’t have any breakdown of classifications. It just records one score for the entire area. For English, Math, and Reading, you'll see a score for each segment and afterward scores for the classifications underneath the segments (for Science there's just the one complete score).For each test segment score and question class score you'll additionally observe a bar that shows you your score percentile. The inquiry classification subscores can go from 1-18, and the test segment scores extend from 1-36 simply like your full composite score.Note that the scores you see for the classes under each test segment score don't really indicate the area score. Your Writing score will be recorded underneath these scores in the event that you took the ACT with Writing.This score is accounted for on a size of 2-12 (beginning with the September 2016 ACT). There are four space classes underneath the Writing score, every one of which is additionally scored from 2-12. The ACT midpoints these scores to show up at your last score out of 12. Much the same as with different segments, you'll see percentile bars close to every one of these scores to demonstrate how you contrast with different understudies. Underneath your principle scores, you'll see an ELA score and a STEM score. The ELA score is the normal of your English, Reading, and Writing (changed over to an incentive out of 36) scores. The STEM score is the normal of your Math and Science scores. Both of these are recorded on a size of 1-36. Counsel the ACT websiteto see a case of what a genuine score report resembles. What Do I Do With This Information From My ACT Results? So you have every one of these numbers, yet what difference does it make? How might they assist you with improving next time?If you know where your shaky areas lie, it’s going to be a lot simpler to center your studying.Here are two or three instances of moves you may make dependent on what you see on your score report: Case #1: You Aced Algebra But Missed a Lot of Trigonometry Questions This shows you have a substance based issue with trigonometry. Possibly you didn’t know all the equations or you're curious about the best techniques to fathom these sorts of problems.Review all the recipes you have to know for ACT Math as identified with trigonometry. Likewise audit what’s tried on ACT Math, and ensure you’re acquainted with all the material. On the off chance that you see something you feel temperamental on, attempt some training inquiries for that topic.Look intothese methodologies for improving your math execution too. Case #2: You Did Well on English, But your Writing Score Was Low The exposition can be probably the hardest part of the ACT, particularly in light of the fact that it comes toward the finish of the test when you’re tired as of now. In spite of the fact that the ELA subscore doesn't influence your general ACT score, many top universities are as yet keen on your exhibition on the exposition. On the off chance that you experienced difficulty with the article, investigate these tips for improving your score.Since you excelled on the English segment, you presumably don’t have an issue with language and sentence structure. You may very well need to deal with arranging your contemplations better generally speaking and giving better guides to help your contention. Case #3: You Struggled with Science and Reading On the off chance that you had issues with these areas, it likely methods you have to chip away at perusing entries all the more productively and deciphering them correctly.Check out these systems for bothscience sections and perusing passages.The Science and Reading segments really require comparable abilities, to be specific skimming over data and making quick paced decisions about the substance. On the off chance that you think the time requirements made you miss questions, audit these methodologies for time the board on the two segments. Analysis with various procedures for moving toward ACT science passages...heh A Final Word on Score Reports Your score report is a useful report instrument that will give you more data about regions on the test where you have to make improvements.It may likewise be a smart thought to arrange Test Information Release for the ACT, which gives a more top to bottom gander at your scores and the particular inquiries you missed. Peruse increasingly about this administration here. Contrast your score report with your objective scores so you can perceive the amount you have to concentrate before the following test! What's Next? In case you're attempting to make sense of when you should take the ACT once more, utilize this manual for discover which test date is directly for you. Look at these examination intends to get a thought of how you may design out your prep ahead of time of the following test date. Disappointed with your score? Figure out how to get an ideal 36 on the ACT, and look at these progressively itemized manages on excelling on ACT English, Math, Reading, and Science. Need to improve your ACT score by 4+ focuses? Download our free manual for the best 5 procedures you need in your prep to improve your ACT score significantly. Have companions who additionally need assistance with test prep? Offer this article! Tweet Samantha Lindsay About the Author Samantha is a blog content author for PrepScholar. She will probably assist understudies with embracing a less upsetting perspective on state sanctioned testing and other scholastic difficulties through her articles. Samantha is likewise enthusiastic about craftsmanship and graduated with distinction from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In secondary school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on each of the seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on the most proficient method to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Friday, August 21, 2020

Business growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business development - Essay Example Organizations that develop are regularly found in the innovation industries† (standard. 1). As far as estimating business development in the United States along these lines, one needs to accumulate and assess appropriate information that demonstrates the exhibition of organizations that is characteristic of development over the period under audit. In the Econographia (2012) site, the authentic record of the country’s financial execution is adequately caught and outwardly introduced utilizing graphical delineations. One of the most important pointers of business development that was revealed was the capacity to make employments, explicitly in the private division. As uncovered, from the post-war period until the residency of President Obama, the formation of private area occupations have been shown to display a declining pattern, with the exception of during the periods where administration was going by Dwight David â€Å"Ike† Eisenhower, 34th President of the Unit ed States, and both George H.W. Shrubbery (41st President) and George W. Bramble (43rd President), which implied the most minimal patterns, as appeared in Figure 1, beneath. Obama’s residency showed the fourth most minimal number of private division occupations made. ... Nonetheless, as underscored by Kiely and Farley (2012), â€Å"by utilizing private-division occupations, the president makes his activity creation record look better. The U.S. has increased around 55,000 private-part employments since Obama became president in January 2009, yet by and large there has been an all out activity loss of 552,000 †all due to the decrease in government jobs† (p. 1). Seeing the political atmosphere through the eyes of the American Institute of Economic Research (AIER), Steven Cunningham, the Director of Research and Education has demonstrated through his financial audit that there is a prominent recuperation that could spike hopeful possibilities for business development. As unveiled, the business cycle conditions that are being observed by the AIER have caught rising business development pointers which affirms assumed proceeding with extension (Cunningham, 2012). A duplicate of the factual pointers of business cycle changes for the period Februa ry to June 2012 are introduced in Annex A. From the factual pointers, it was uncovered that positive changes were noted for the accompanying essential driving markers for the repeating status April to June of 2012, indeed: (1) new requests for purchaser products; (2) new lodging grants; (3) list of basic stock costs; and (4) change in buyer obligation. For essential generally incidental markers, coming up next were idealistic and extending changes: (1) non-agrarian business; (2) list of modern creation; (3) individual salary less exchange installments; (4) assembling and exchange deals; and (5) total national output. At long last, for essential slacking pointers, the accompanying displayed extending status: (1) assembling and exchange inventories; (2) business and mechanical credits; (3) proportion of customer obligation to salary; and (4)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Orientalism and American Muslims - 1100 Words

Orientalism and American Muslims (Essay Sample) Content: First Name Last Name Instructor Political Science 4 April 2016 Answers to the Questions about Orientalism and American Muslims Discuss the Significance of the Veil in Orientalism The veil is a piece of clothing used by Muslim women to cover their faces as per religious requirement. Orientalism refers to portrayal with emphasis, exaggeration, and distortion of facts about a particular subjectCITATION Edw79 \l 6154 (Said). It is important to mention that the Hijab has been the center of controversies and wars against the Muslim nations. Orientalism heavily criticizes the veil's religious significance especially with the appearance of belly dancers who wore veilsCITATION Lei12 \p 46 \l 6154 (Ahmed 46). In the war against the Islamic cultures, the veil has been used as a symbol of oppression, unfair treatment and strict nature of the Arab nations. Furthermore, veiled women are often viewed as oppressed individuals according to OrientalismCITATION Edw79 \l 6154 (Said). Similarly, in the western cultures, it symbolizes the unheard voices of Muslim women who are not allowed certain privileges. However, the veil also represents a woman's external appearance (style), which is separate from its religious significanceCITATION Edw79 \l 6154 (Said). Therefore, different individuals attribute different meanings of what the veil truly symbolizes. In the western countries, for example, the entire Hijab is considered to be the veil, while in Muslim states only the head covering is the veilCITATION Bry02 \p 102 \l 6154 (Turner 102). A negative aspect that Orientalism linked to the veil is its connection to Islam; similarly, in the western countries the veil is often linked with terrorism or IslamCITATION Bry02 \p 104 \l 6154 (Turner 104). It can be assumed that much of the controversy is brought about as a result of cultural misunderstanding. While some individuals wear the veil for religious and personal reasons, many others characterizes it as a symbol of oppression, mainly because they do not have all the facts. Orientalism portrays Muslim natives to be more violent than their western counterparts (Faruqui 150). Looking back into the 19th Century when Orientalism began, the veil was a symbol of both eroticism and oppression. Arabic belly dancers, for example, were required to wear the veil in order to hide their sexuality, which was punishable by law (Rhode 10). The veil thus depicts the Islam culture as backward, oppressive, and inferior. In contrast, during the colonial era, women who wore veils were considered sensual and beautiful. Therefore, the use of the veil can be seen as having dual meaning, and while some consider it sexual, others see it as a sign of oppression (Rhode 10). The western colonialists believed that the women were oppressed and held hostage by the polygamous male, which culminated in to the conclusion that in order to rule their society the women must be freedCITATION Bry02 \p 103 \l 6154 (Turner 103). In addition, in the western countries, individuals who wear veils are considered rebels or "against" the western culture. In other words, the significance of the veil in orientalism is a negative influence, if one can say so, which is similar to how the west depicts the use of the veil. To be precise, Orientalism uses Muslim females and the veil to interpret and explain the Islam religion and culture in contrast to that of the western world. How did 9/11 affect the Depiction of American Muslims in American Media? The aftermath of 9/11 was the peak of antagonism between the US and the Arab nations (Wing 717). The US media developed a negative perception of American Muslims. More than a decade has passed since 9/11, and yet the western media seems to worsen their portrayal of Muslims in generalCITATION Ria03 \p 51 \l 6154 (Abdelkarim 51). This negative view of Muslims has permeated the American society to the point of discrimination and profiling, such as the countless cases of American Muslims being discriminated and profiled in airports, restaurants, and in entire communities. It is obvious that Muslims have been stereotyped in almost every interaction with other non-Muslim communities. The media portrays Islam and Muslims as an enemy of the United States. The American constitution is supposed to represent freedom and equality for all human kind. Other countries such as Morocco, have signed treaties with the US in order to show solidarity. Actions such as this should bind nations instead of separating them. In other instances such as the association of Islam with terrorism, the media made efforts to generalize the problem to a single source: The Muslim race (Nacos and Torres-Reyna 133). However, that is not the case. Islam, like any other religion, is a religion of moderation, peace, and love. The difference in perception of Muslim religion today has been mainly due to the media's decision to portray the entire religion negatively (Nacos and Torres-Reyna 140). Even though some extremist concepts such as Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and similar groups depict aggression and killing of innocent unarmed civilians, the media has been silent on the suffering of the communities living in the regions where the groups are dominant (Mamdani 766). If mainstream media were un-biased, then they would focus on both sides of the coin portraying both good and bad aspects of the religion instead of choosing to portray it negatively. Another significant problem that mainstream media has caused is the lack of differentiation between Muslims and Islam (Mamdani 768). It is important to understand that the Muslim and Islam communities do not share the same ideologies. The Muslim states, which are the majority, view Islam as a state of peace and prosperity for all, which most Muslims practice. However, extremists groups use the same base ideology and choose to practice it in a negative aspect (Mamdani 770). If media ignores the difference between a right-wing and left-wing party, then the public will perceive all Muslims as terrorists or "Jihadà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Lastly, the US mainst...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Community Policing And The Police Department Essay

Community policing began in the 1980s, based off of work performed at Michigan Sate University (Police Studies Book). However, the Anytown Police Department has not been a part of this method of policing until now. The department’s management feels that community policing would be effective to treat several issues we have been experiencing of late, including our faltering relationship with minorities and with the poor and middle classes. Many, broad sweeping, changes will need to be made to the department. The department’s training program will be completely overhauled, teaching Anytown’s officers what community policing is and how to apply it. A community relations team ((add to paragraph ___)) will be formed to foster strong bonds with the community. We will address concerns from all groups of people regarding our policing practices and the city’s ((town’s?)) crime rate. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, â€Å"Community-oriented poli cing seeks to address the causes of crime and to reduce fear of social disorder through problem-solving strategies and police-community partnerships. Typically, it involves a greater use of foot and bicycle patrols and frequent meetings with community groups.† (BJS) With this shift in policy and policing style it will no longer be our only job to catch criminals, but to prevent crime from occurring in the first place and to elevate the quality of life in our city ((town?)) as a whole. Most important to our shift in policing will be ourShow MoreRelatedEssay on Community Policing and the Longview Police Department2122 Words   |  9 PagesCommunity policing is a concept and approach which recognizes that law enforcement alone cannot solve the root causes of crime. 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Community policingRead MoreCommunity Policing : Quality From Inside Out An Evaluation Of Impact789 Words   |  4 PagesSkogan (1993). Community Policing: Quality from inside out An evaluation of Impact. Washington D.C.:U.S. National Institute of Justice. This report talks about Madison police Department and how they created a new organizational design both structural and managerial in efforts to support and improve community policing. Willis, J., S. Mastrofski, and T. R. Kochel (2010). Maximizing the Benefits of reform: Integrating community policing in America. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of justice, OfficeRead MoreA Brief Note On Broken Windows Theory And Community Policing881 Words   |  4 Pagesto community policing. Wilson and Kelling(1989) showed that crime and disorder are related, which shows if police are able to keep the community, environment in order it can prevent crime. 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Advances in technology has changed police work, officers are incorporating technology and sophisticated investigative techniques to solve crimes. This essay will focus on the pros and cons of community policing in a modern society, where police officers must rely more on technology and forensics than citizens to solve crimes and apprehend criminals. Introduction Police haveRead MorePolice Enforcement Is An Evolving Agency Essay1414 Words   |  6 Pagesin those communities. In the US police departments are more likely to use one of three or a combination of 3 police strategies: community policing, problem oriented policing and zero tolerance policing. With that being said all of these serve a purpose and have negative and positives contributing effect onto communities. Through my experience and knowledge I have learned from policing I would utilize a combination of problem oriented policing and community policing if I were chief of police of a policeRead More Community Based Policing Essay572 Words   |  3 PagesCommunity Based Policing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There has always been a love-hate relationship between the public and the police. When called upon to help, they can be something sent from God, but when they are writing tickets, or taking a friend to jail, the view changes from a savior to a presence that is unwanted and often hated. An effort to improve the public view of law enforcement is being attempted by many departments. Using different styles of policing techniques, mainly community based policing, hasRead MoreCommunity Policing and Problem Solving1135 Words   |  5 PagesCommunity Policing and Problem Solving Policing John K. Forrest II CJS/210 August 15, 2010 Travis Coldwell Community Policing and Problem Solving Policing When police departments and crime rates of the past are examined there are some apologist who believe that America would be in a better law enforcement situation provide the policies of the past we put back into use. With the public becoming more technologically advanced and criminal’s awareness of prosecution avoidance, community

Data Analysis for Northern Beaches Council

Question: Discuss about the Data Analysis for Northern Beaches Council. Answer: The researcher has acquired data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) which is an Australian Government Research Institute and it is working for the statistical demographics of various areas Australia. Population: The data from the Key figures as per September 2016 shows, Northern Beaches Council has the population of 263413 and it shows a potential population in the local government area Northern Beaches council of New South Wales (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). The data also shows that the total population of Australia is 24220200 (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). The total no of children of the year 7 to year 12 in Northern Beaches Council is 74586 (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). From the above data, it can be concluded that, there is sufficient population growth in Northern Beaches Council to have enough adults who can give birth and provide children for the year-7 to year-12, that is, there is enough no. of adults to make available the target customers for the startup business. Birth rate: The no of births in Northern Beaches Council is high enough compared to the other areas of NSW. The data acquired by Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2015, in Northern Beaches Council the no of single births was 1241, twins birth was 131 and triplet birth was 6 (Births-2015, 2017). However, the 66% of the total birth was to the parents who have done registered marriage (Births-2015, 2017). The data concludes, the birth rate in Northern Beaches Council is enough to get the students of year-7 to year-12 for the startup business in next 10 years. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has added that, in Northern Beaches Council the no of birth was consistent in previous year and expected to be consistent in upcoming years too. Income: The collected data for the purpose of getting information about income statement of the adults who can give birth to the child who can be the student of year 7 to year 12 in next 10 years in Northern Beaches Council states, the average salary of the workers in Northern Beaches Council is $75963 per year (Average Salary Australia, 2017). This data represents, the adults has sufficient buying power to convey the expenses of the fees for the coaching class. References: Average Salary Australia. (2017). Retrieved 8 April 2017, from Births-2015.(2017),from /3301.0Main%20Features32015?opendocumenttabname=Summaryprodno=3301.0issue=2015num=view Statistics-Sep 2016. (2017). Retrieved 8 April 2017, from

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Buy an Essay to-Do List

Buy an Essay to-Do ListWhat's the best way to buy an essay to-do list? Now, there are many ways you can go about buying a to-do list and that is what I'll be looking at in this article. Let's take a look at what you need to know before you buy an essay to-do list.First, you need to realize that it is going to take some time for you to write an essay. You cannot just show up one day and expect to finish the essay within a few days.In fact, it's much more difficult than that. It takes several weeks or even months of work on an essay, not just hours to write an essay. If you find yourself being discouraged, stop the assignment before it gets to this point.Second, when you go ahead and buy an essay to-do list, you are actually going to make your assignment into a big step. This will definitely help you. But keep in mind that no one is going to expect you to be done in three weeks and they certainly won't be expecting you to be done in a couple of months.Lastly, keep in mind that it is no t necessary to write a personal essay to do so. Many times, a school or college will require that students write a very personal essay for assignments such as these.Although you may be frustrated because you cannot find a personal essay to do, don't worry too much about it. As long as you have something that relates to you and what you're trying to do in school, you should be fine.Another excellent way to get a really good essay to-do list is to create a website. I would recommend getting a custom website for this type of essay to-do list and keep in mind that it will take some time for you to create the site and that it will definitely take you a while to put it all together.You can't get a website up overnight and in all seriousness, it can be a very simple process. It does require a little bit of research on your part and there are a lot of websites out there that could help you with this.